Sunday 18 May 2008

Did poison kill James Brown?

Did poison kill James Brown?

James John Brown was poisoned by thieves spirit on digging up the luck he'd
buried on his Due south Carolinas estate, according to newly reports.

Pals ar requesting his corpse should be exhumed for toxicology tests afterwards
hearing rumours he was poisoned in front his death on Xmas Day 2006.

The soulfulness legend's widow woman TOMI RAE HYNIE - wHO supports the claims -
said: "I can't remark on that correctly now for the safety of myself and
my son."

Just Brown's former associate JACQUE Dutchman told Earth: "Toxicology
tests on his body, specially on his tomentum, would easy exhibit if poison was
administered to him before he died.

"An post-mortem examination was ne'er done at the time, merely his body should be exhumed
and i carried out now."

She said she never accepted the energetic 73-year-old had scarce died, claiming
the fact that Brown complained of severe abdomen striving in the days leadership
up to his death should be investigated.

The singer's death isn't the only if disceptation shrouding his decease - his household
are distillery combat trustees of his estate over his luck, patch Tomi is
attempting to prove her young boy King James Brown II is the singer's
legitimate successor.

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